likes Lana Del Rey, Tbhk, Music, Genshin, And the welcome home fandom! ♡ sleeping. my friends . cats. twisted sister. metal family. The world of mr plant. pjsk. omori. talking about my interests.

dislikes Transphobic or homophobic people. More things i dislike are - public speaking. suicide. overly rude people. /j heights. school. insects/bugs.

dni basic dni, P3D0, 4bu$3r, or anything like that, apply to basic dni criteria, proshippers, hate on favourite characters/people, i also block freely

byf rly forgetful, might reply slow, i swear on my posts.i’m very talkative. my humor is childish. and i make joke tweets ocassionally

casual Msi & ICP,Ldr , YFM, Gorrilaz xdh

other TV girl ,pierce the veil, chase atlantic

friends Julie, Rebzy, Monty (silly irl bestie), Bella, Danny, Danny 2, Joshua (the annoying golden retriever according to his gf), stevie, Castiel, elle (silly), Ven && more!!